Earlier this year when Mr Jaganmohan Reddy came to power, I, like many others in Andhra Pradesh was intrigued to see what a young Chief Minister can do for the state. The question of whether he can stand up to the tall promises he made during his campaign was constantly at the back of my mind. Six months after the seeing the government’s performance and intentions, I can now say that the promises made during the campaign remain unfulfilled and hollow and from the looks of it, the government is not exactly keen on following up on any of them.

The greatest proof of the lack of intent of the government is the condition of Amaravati. Bharatiya Janata Party has been maintaining that if corruption happened during the regime of the previous government, a systematic approach of enquiry must be followed and the guilty must be punished.

The YSRCP government, however, is bent on pursuing its vindictive politics and in the process, ignoring the very people who voted it to power.

The state is suffering due to this approach and the lack of a proper capital may spell troubles if appropriate steps aren’t taken. A capital city is like a growth engine for any state. The YSRCP government’s lacklustre approach to driving the state ahead has already caused a lot of losses with investors pulling out and a system to create jobs not being in place.

Why the Jaganmohan Reddy government stopped the works in Amravati and why again they are starting them now is beyond my comprehension. Works worth Rs 40,000 crores were started and some part of it has already been spent.

Mr Chandrababu Naidu has already wasted a lot of time through his vision statements and elaborate plans on paper. The current government through is impractical policies such as reservation for locals, reviewing PPAs (against recommendations of centre) and sand policies has further pulled the state back.  A number of irrigation, road and agricultural projects have come to a halt purely due to indecisive and incompetent nature of the state government.

We, at BJP, are concerned for the well being of our Andhra Pradesh and as a party with conscience and as a party at power in the centre, it is our duty to guide state governments for the greater good of people. Six months have been wasted by the government and Jagan Mohan Reddy must open his eyes and act or else they will face the same consequence that the TDP government faced.

Categories: బ్లాగు
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